Friday, January 7, 2011

Repressed Feeling Is Baddddddddd........

It was a beautiful day, nothing seems to be troubling at first. I woke up, take my bath, made myself a cup of coffee, pack my bags and finally started walking to class. Everything seems to be fine until a text message ruined it all, then the sun began to turn cloudy as if knowing troubles was coming. Ignoring it for a while seems to be the best idea.

The classes starts as usual, but somewhere deep in my heart, I felt worried and continued thinking ways to overcome the problem. After all the morning class ended, I decided to call my friend to talk about it and it seems that she is worried about the same thing too. After a long, well kind of, conversation, the problem seem to have been solved but still... some things was still missing. I decided to let it go for now.

Evening class started, I was so tired, I almost decided not to go at first but then I changed my mind. The class was hilarious as prank calls was the agenda, well, not so much as prank calls but a more academically speaking, prank calls if I can called it that. 

I returned to my hostel cheer and bright, absent-mindlessly forgetting my troubles away. As soon as I was just taking a step into my room, ring ring ring, my hand phone rang.
"What's up", I said.
"Something came up, there's a problem with the program"
"The power point slide is still incomplete", she said.
The conversation went on for a while and finally it ended. The news was a slap back to reality. 
Working my brains out to figured the best possible solution for it, I decided to visit my friend ' the tech wizard' to remedy my problem. He suggested a brilliant strategy and it seems for now, it is the best way to do it. Going back to my room, I felt a little calmer but still in complete angst.
A girl and her guy was walking in a park
"Boy : Can I hold your hand?
"Girl  : No thanks, it's not heavy.
"Boy : ?????? 

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